Ben Hinkle-Wszalek

Director of Customer Success - Training at TransAct Communications
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3 Tech Tips to Simplify Out-of-School Time (OST) Program Management

By Ben Hinkle-Wszalek | October 1, 2024

We know Out-of-School-Time (OST) programs work. A two-year study of 3,000 low-income elementary and middle school children found that consistent involvement in high-quality afterschool programs is associated with notable improvements in standardized test scores, better work habits, and fewer behavior issues among disadvantaged students

This highlights the positive impact your work in (OST) programs can have on students' futures. It also suggests that the more time you spend improving the quality of your OST program, the greater its potential impact will be. 

However, OST programs often face challenges when it comes to running their programs efficiently and leveraging technology to ensure parents have a positive experience. Here are three tips for streamlining key components of your OST program using TransAct's Out-of-SchoolTime Tracker. Let’s get started! 

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