There are an increasing number of resources available that address the changes in education requirements for students in Foster Care made by the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). At the 2018 annual conference hosted by the National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY), where for the past two years I have had the privilege of presenting, I focused my presentation on these changes.
Read MoreNational ESEA Conference - Recommended Sessions for Educators Working in Title I Programs
The National ESEA Conference (formerly the National Title I Conference) was held January 30 - February 2, 2019. The change to this conference having a more comprehensive approach to ESEA programs does not mean that presentations related to Title I programs are less important. The move was intended to promote more collaboration between Title I and other programs.
Read MoreNational ESEA Conference - Top Sessions for Educators of English Learners
English Learners are an integral population and a large focus of the National ESEA Conference (formerly the National Title I Conference), as they were before the conference was re-branded. While the comprehensive approach boasts content that serves more populations and Title Programs, there are still many presentations that focus on ELs. This includes my presentation, ESSA Title I EL Requirements for All Title I Funded Districts, Wednesday, Jan. 30th at 11:30am.
Read MoreNational ESEA Conference - Top Sessions for Understanding Changes Under ESSA
The changing landscape of education that is the result of the re-authorization of ESEA as ESSA is a topic that will be widely covered at this year's National ESEA Conference (formerly National Title I Conference).
Read MoreNational ESEA Conference - Top Sessions for Educators Working with Students Experiencing Homelessness
There are increasingly more resources for administrators who make students experiencing homelessness a priority demographic for their schools and districts. At the National ESEA Conference in January, there were presentations with this focus as well.
Read MoreUSED Issues Addendum to September 2016 EL Guidance
The U.S. Department of Education (USED) posted new guidance related to the ESSA requirements for English Learners (ELs) on its website yesterday (January 10, 2019). This guidance is essential as it provides clarity and puts explicitly into writing answers to some of the remaining questions surrounding the implementation of ESSA for educators.
Read MorerSmart, Leader in Post-Secondary, Mobile-Friendly Campus Portal Integrations Partners with TransACT Communications to Increase Service Offerings for Educators
TransACT Communications, LLC ( has acquired The rSmart Group, Inc. (, a leader in higher education technology solutions. rSmart has over 19 years of experience in higher education and are leaders in SaaS delivery of campus engagement, verification, and service discovery tools that unify the user experience into a searchable, responsive, mobile-friendly platform. Working together, TransACT and rSmart are proud to offer a broader educational service portfolio that will now span K-12 institutions as well as colleges and universities.
Read More"Status of School Performance, Notice to Parents" Translated in Your Priority Languages: Now Available
TransACT customers with an active subscription to the ESEA (ESSA) ParentNotices collection now have complete access to expertly written compliance resources, including a recently added notification. An ESSA Subscription includes:
Read MoreU.S. Department of Education Awards Charter School Grants
The U.S. Department of Education (USED) awarded nearly $400 million in federal grants to support and expand charter schools in States and districts. The grants are part of the Charter Schools Program under USED's Office of Innovation and Improvement. These funds were part of the FY 2018 funding package that was passed by the U.S. Congress in the spring of this year.
Read MoreThe National Title I Conference is now the National ESEA Conference
The National Association of ESEA State Program Administrators (NAESPA) is holding the 2019 National ESEA Conference (formerly the National Title I Conference) in Kansas City, MO, January 30 – February 2.
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