4 Reasons Why Districts Are Implementing Case-Management Systems

By Phillip Smith | October 31, 2023

According to a recent nationwide survey conducted by TransACT Communications, school districts across the country are using more than 10 different means to track data for students identified as McKinney-Vento eligible. Of the 668 survey respondents, 63% reported tracking data in spreadsheets, and 20% reported tracking data on paper.

These responses illuminate a common problem for district staff who support at-risk students — there are typically multiple, disconnected places where critical information about the students they serve is being stored.

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Health and Immunization Notifications Made Easy

By TransAct | October 24, 2023

As the academic year progresses, there's one season that every school and district anticipates with trepidation — the cold and flu season. It's a time when health takes center stage, and effective communication becomes critical. Districts turn to ParentNotices by TransACT to assist them in communicating with parents during this demanding season. 

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4 School Bus Driver Recruitment Strategies to Improve Retention Rates

By Madison O'Connell | October 19, 2023

The shortage of school bus drivers has been a continuing concern for school districts across the United States, impacting the safe and timely transportation of students. Jeff Walker, owner of Northern Express Bus Service, shares how he’s navigating their statewide school bus driver shortage and what his transportation company does to maintain high bus driver retention rates.  

Before diving into Jeff’s insights, check out the related case study, “Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Innovation in Student Transportation.” 

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Back-to-School Bus Safety Tips

By TransAct | September 29, 2023
The familiar ring of the school bell, the sight of colorful backpacks, and the buzz of school buses on the roads – yes, it's that time of the year again! As students enthusiastically head back to their classrooms, there's an urgent need to prioritize safety around school buses. Here's a comprehensive guide that you can share with your district's parents to ensure the safety of your students on their way to and from school.
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A Government Shutdown's Potential Effect on Education

By Dr. David Holbrook | September 25, 2023

Given the inability of the U.S. House of Representatives to move forward with either FY24 appropriations or a Continuing Resolution (CR) to keep the government funded, it is looking more and more like a government shutdown is going to happen at the end of the day, September 30, 2023. While the exact effects on education are impossible to predict, we do know some things about what will happen if the U.S. Government shuts down. And the longer the shutdown lasts, the more significant the potential impacts on education and the U.S. economy. 

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Bridging Language Gaps: Engaging Multilingual Parents in School Districts with Afghan and Ukrainian Families

By TransAct | September 7, 2023

An increasing number of Afghan and Ukrainian families are entering U.S. school districts as immigrants and refugees. Integrating these newcomers poses unique challenges, among them the critical task of effective communication between the school and parents. Communication is a cornerstone for student success; however, language barriers often act as a stumbling block for meaningful interaction with parents from non-English speaking backgrounds. 

As our student body becomes increasingly diverse, there is no better time to take a proactive approach to parent communication, especially in their own languages.

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ParentNotices: Now Available in Dari, Pashto, and Ukrainian

By Dr. David Holbrook | August 8, 2023

TransACT ParentNotices, in collaboration with some states and districts, has translated its ESSA and General Education ParentNotices Collections into Dari, Pashto, and Ukrainian, the languages of recent refugee populations. The following ParentNotices Collections have been updated:

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Federal Education Funding 101: Everything You Need to Know

By Dr. David Holbrook | June 16, 2023

Published on June 16, 2023 and updated on November 9, 2023

How the Debt Ceiling Deal Could Impact Future Federal Education Funding

The U.S. Congress passed, and President Biden signed legislation to avoid defaulting on the U.S. government’s loans. Congress nearly failed to raise the debt limit, which is the amount of money the government can borrow. The U.S. actually reached the debt limit in March; however, the U.S. Treasury had been doing some fiscal juggling to avoid defaulting on the U.S. debt. If the U.S. were to have defaulted on its debt (not pay its bills), it could have had a devastating impact on both the U.S. and the world economy.

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ParentNotices | Updates and Notifications

By Dr. David Holbrook | May 23, 2023

In this blog post, you will find everything related to TransACT's ParentNotices and our ESSA ParentNotices Collection. Find all of the monthly updates below:

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Making A Positive Impact For McKinney-Vento-Qualified Students

By Ken Fisher | May 17, 2023

It can be overwhelming for a homeless liaison to manage their workload without knowing which students are eligible for McKinney-Vento support.

The COVID-19 pandemic added to the challenges that homeless liaisons face on a daily basis. With students attending school irregularly, it became incrementally more difficult to provide them with the necessary services for which they were eligible.

In the webinar Making a Positive Impact on McKinney-Vento Qualified Studentspresented on May 4, TransACT's Phillip Smith was joined by Debbie DiAnni, McKinney-Vento Liaison for the School City of Hammond, and Heidi Reang, District Homeless Liaison with Oregon’s Tigard-Tualatin School District. Together they discussed practical approaches to meeting common challenges associated with tracking McKinney-Vento students and how they've successfully leveraged technology to overcome these challenges. 

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