Family engagement in children’s academic lives produces numerous benefits for the student and the school. A focus on parent engagement can spur profound changes in classrooms. Involved parents often yield more positive experiences for everyone in the school system. Schools excel when parents support learning and classroom rules at home.
Read MoreEnable ESSA Parent and Family Engagement Communication Compliance
Free COVID-19 Letter Template for School Districts
TransACT ParentNotices published a free resource to support school districts in keeping our communities informed, healthy, and safe on September 1st, 2020. As the holiday season often includes travel, we want to highlight the complimentary COVID-19 letter template for state and local education agencies, schools, and out-of-school-time programs.
Read MoreFunding Options for Meeting ESSA School-to-Home Communication Requirements
Effective school-to-home communication plays a vital role when it comes to achieving successful student outcomes. However, staying in compliance with Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requirements when communicating with parents and family members can prove quite challenging for schools and districts, especially with the increases to Parent and Family Engagement requirements under ESSA.
Read MoreWhat Role Does Software Play in Office for Civil Rights (OCR) Compliance?
Parents and families play an integral role in their children's education, and establishing meaningful two-way communication with them fosters student success. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) establishes communication guidelines with parents who do not proficiently speak English. The right technology supports schools’ compliance with these rules, especially when parents have limited English proficiency (LEP).
Read MoreCan Title III Funds Be Used To Pay Educator Salaries?
Title III of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) includes a fiscal restriction called ‘Supplement not Supplant’ that includes federal, state, and local funds and laws. This means that if there is a federal, state, or local law that requires EL related programs, services, activities, or expenditures, then Title III funds cannot be used to pay for the things required by other laws.
Read MoreEquity and Access for Marginalized Student Populations Improved with Translated Parent-View
TransACT® ParentNotices is an unlimited, district-wide subscription to expertly written, translated parent notifications. ParentNotices is aligned with federal communication requirements (including Civil Rights, ESSA, Section 504, and IDEA) and supports teachers in creating an inclusive communication strategy for all families. In a recent product update, TransACT ParentNotices released features to support parents in understanding the school's communications: a translated "Parent-View."
Read MoreNew Languages Available for ESSA Parent Notices
To meet federal and civil rights requirements, school administrators must provide parent communications in a language parents can understand. Administrators are specifically required to meet these communication requirements for the top 5 languages in their district.
Read MoreWhat Schools Need to Look for in a Parent Communication App
School administrators recognize that effective communication translates to stronger parent and family engagement, which countless studies have correlated with positive educational outcomes and better classroom behavior. One-third of administrators say effective school-to-home communication is a top issue in their district. School districts are tasked with improving parent and family engagement, while also complying with federal education laws like the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
As they seek to remove communication obstacles and improve family engagement, school districts are investing in parent communication apps. Determining the best fit from the countless solutions on the market can prove challenging. When searching for a parent communication app, school districts should look for these key features.
Read MoreHow to Support Compliance With Federal Parent Communication Laws
The student populations of school districts have become increasingly diverse in recent years, and as a result, parent communications and engagement laws have also changed. In order to remain compliant, school districts must adhere to federal education law requirements such as those detailed in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and in Civil Rights case law.
Read MoreMobile-Friendly Parent-School Communications For All Learning Models
TransACT's ParentNotices software platform, used by school districts and state departments of education to enable compliant and equitable parent engagement, has launched a significant upgrade to support schools in touchless and paperless engagement. Communication requirements as set forth by ESEA (ESSA) and Civil Rights are required regardless of learning model selected by schools, districts, and states during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The upgrades and enhancements support districts in meeting complex federal requirements for parent and family engagement and uphold central district policies for communication with parents while simultaneously increasing a parent's ability to respond to the school, district, and in some cases state. The latest release includes:
- ESSA (107)
- Parent Engagement (69)
- EL (59)
- Civil Rights (43)
- USED (19)
- KPI (15)
- Operations Performance (12)
- McKinney-Vento (10)
- compliance software (5)
- charter schools (4)
- homelessness (4)
- ARP (3)
- American Rescue Plan (3)
- CARES Act (3)
- CRRSA (3)
- Corporate/Product News (3)
- ESSER (3)
- Education (3)
- HIMSS (3)
- Native American Education (3)
- Student Support (3)
- Transportation (3)
- After School Programs (2)
- CGCS (2)
- COVID (2)
- CRRSA Act (2)
- OST (2)
- School Communication Plan (2)
- Student Success (2)
- 21CCLC (1)
- AI (1)
- Artificial Intelligence (1)
- Board Meetings (1)
- Charter School Governance Platform (1)
- Charter School Leaders (1)
- Cloud Technologies (1)
- DACA (1)
- Data Compliance (1)
- Release Notes (1)
- Routing (1)