DACA Update – Trump Administration Blocks New DACA Applications, Limits DACA Renewals to One-Year

By Dr. David Holbrook | August 10, 2020

The most recent change to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA program runs counter to two recent court rulings. The Administration’s most recent pronouncement notes that new DACA applications are blocked, and renewals shortened from two years to one.

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Federal Court Orders DACA Program to Returned to its Original Status – Accept New DACA Applications

By Dr. David Holbrook | July 24, 2020

In June 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the Trump administration’s efforts to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program or DACA. The ruling was a massive win for DACA recipients but left open the possibility for the Trump administration to try to rescind DACA again, using different legal arguments.

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Eliminating Obstacles to Effective Parent-Teacher Communication

By Paige Kummer | July 1, 2020

Effective parent-teacher communication is proven to positively impact academic and emotional outcomes for students. Evidence shows that students with involved families are more engaged in the classroom and more likely to succeed academically.

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U.S. Supreme Court Blocks Elimination of DACA Program

By Dr. David Holbrook | June 26, 2020

On Thursday, June 18, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the Trump administration’s efforts to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program or DACA. While this is a huge win for DACA recipients, it is still possible that the Trump administration could try again, using different legal arguments.

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"Success for SLIFE!" Webinar

By Dr. David Holbrook | May 18, 2020

TransACT hosts as Carol Salva presents "Success for SLIFE!" A webinar that shares strategies and techniques for creating success with a a sub-population of ELs, S(L)IFE students, and offers techniques that allow for capitalization on promising trends for educating this already at-risk group of students. This webinar was recorded on Tuesday May 19th, at 9 am PT / 10 am MT / 11 am CT / 12 pm ET. 

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Providing English Learners Equitable Access to Educational Programs in a Distance Learning Environment

By Dr. David Holbrook | April 17, 2020

COVID-19, also known as the Coronavirus, has shuttered schools across the nation and forced the education of students to move to an online or distance learning methodology, endangering equitable access to educational programs for many students, especially English learners. This pandemic has caused disruptions in many areas, including meeting compliance requirements related to communicating with parents found in federal education laws, including the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

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Delivering Parent Communications in a Distance Learning Environment

By Dr. David Holbrook | April 3, 2020

The onset of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic caused school closures across the nation. The response for many districts is a move to an online or distance learning environment, but the elimination of face-to-face interaction between teachers and students is creating new challenges in parent communications and exacerbating gaps in equitable access for all students, especially those that do not have access to laptops and those that are English Learners.

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Update on the Public Charge Policy from Roger Rosenthal

By Dr. David Holbrook | February 26, 2020

On April 15, 2019, TransACT published a letter to help states and districts communicate about the federal Public Charge Policy Final Rule. This letter about the changes to the Public Charge regulations is no longer needed because the Department of Justice has canceled those changes.

TransACT Communications, a leader in providing school districts and State Departments of Education with guidance and resources to support authentic family engagement in compliance with federal law, also provides resources for parent communication related to pertinent, urgent current events.  Our “Free Public Letters” are available to educators, regardless of their subscription status with TransACT® ParentNotices. 

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Polaris Growth Fund Makes Strategic Investment in TransACT Communications

By Alyssa Thornley | February 21, 2020

(Seattle, WA, February 21, 2020) TransACT Communications, LLC (“TransACT”), a leading SaaS provider of engagement, compliance and payment solutions for the education market, has received a strategic growth investment from the Polaris Growth Fund (“PGF”). PGF is a software-focused, specialized affiliate fund of Polaris Partners, a Boston-based private investment firm with two decades of technology investing experience.

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Leading The Way In Modern Parent Engagement Software

By Alyssa Thornley | February 10, 2020

This blog was published in 2020 but was updated on May 25th, 2023.

Parent engagement software is modernizing how administrators manage school-to-home communications while remaining compliant with federal and civil rights laws.

Rather than developing required notifications and forms individually and translating each one every time, there is an amendment or update, administrators can use parent engagement software systems to send out translated notifications and comply with federal requirements and civil rights laws.

TransACT® ParentNotices is a software subscription to pre-translated federally required (or recommended) parent notifications and online collections of multi-language parent-school communications. ParentNotices is aligned with federal requirements, supports teachers in creating an inclusive communication strategy for all students, and keeps schools prepared in the event of a monitoring visit. 

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