TransACT’s Parent Notices team looks forward to the National ESEA Conference every year. It gives us the opportunity to meet with and learn more about our current customers as well as stay up to date on the topics that are at the forefront for educators working in ESEA (ESSA) programs across the country. We’ve poured over the schedule and wanted to provide you with some presentations that we think would be worth checking out at the National Association of ESEA State Program Administrator's Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, February 4-7, 2020.
Read MoreNoteworthy Sessions at the 2020 National ESEA Conference
Now Available: 2019 Managing For Results Report From The Council Of The Great City Schools
In 2004, the Council of Great City Schools (CGCS) set out to create a framework for measurement and analysis in school district operations and to help district business leaders think strategically about how to improve processes, conserve resources, and positively impact student achievement while managing the school district budget. In conjunction with TransACT, CGCS founded the ActPoint® KPI Project. For more than a decade, districts nationwide piloted the KPIs, and results are compared annually.
Read MoreTransACT-RightLabs Sponsors National Philanthropy Day for 11th Year
Continuing Our Tradition of Support as Official Partner of the Association of Fundraising Professionals Edmonton Chapter
Edmonton, Canada – RightLabs (a TransACT Communications brand) the customer-friendly, easy-to-use event registration software is pleased to join the Association of Fundraising Professionals -Edmonton Chapter in celebrating National Philanthropy Day November 21, 2019.
Read MoreWebinar: Changes to Requirements for Students in Foster Care under ESSA
The reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) resulted in significant changes for requirements related to students in foster care in both the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act and Title I of the ESEA/ESSA.
Read More4 Benefits of Compliance Software for School Districts
In today’s progressively diverse districts, it is increasingly complicated for school systems to ensure compliance with the federal communication and language requirements for parent notices, school forms, campus-wide signs, and important school-to-home messaging. An education compliance solution such as TransACT Parent Notices provides school and district staff with instant access to compliant communications in priority languages to improve district communications, compliance, and parent and family engagement.
Read MoreData-Driven School Improvement
Making the Grade for Students Experiencing Homelessness
We all share the same mission, to provide the best services we can and help students succeed. It is easy to get swept away in the day-to-day of running a district, or Coordinating Title I, Title III, and McKinney-Vento programming or becoming caught up in an overwhelming amount of data without knowing where you can make a further positive impact.
Read MoreUsing a Software Solution for Homeless Program Reporting Requirements
There are many challenges to working with students experiencing homelessness, particularly when it comes to the complex reporting requirements that, for example, vary between federal grants like the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act grants and ESSA Title I homeless student services.
Read MoreChanges to School Improvement Under ESSA
Webinar: Increases in Parent and Family Engagement Requirements
NAEHCY Announces Webinar for Homeless Liaisons
The National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY) has announced that they will be hosting a webinar titled "10 Liaison Duties." The one-hour webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, July 31st at 11:00am CT (12:00 pm ET, 9:00am PT).
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