The first ever Collaborative Federal Programs Meeting was held in Washington, D.C. July 23-25, 2014. The organizing of this meeting started in September of 2013 when the National Title I Association (NASTID) and the National Council of State Title III Directors (NCSTIIID) began planning to meet jointly in the summer of 2014. Those plans expanded to include the Title I 1003(g) SIG Directors/Office of School Turnaround and some members of the National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE)/Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)/Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS).
Read MoreTitle III: Supplement Not Supplant Monitoring Issues
The Title I Monitor from March 2014 (Vol. 19, No.3), a publication of LRP, carried an article related to recent Title III monitoring findings. The LRP article looked at the five most recent Title III Monitoring reports posted on the USED’s site. Many of the issues cited in this article are the same issues that I saw over the two and a half years I contracted with the US Department of Education (USED) to help monitor state’s Title III programs (visiting five states). In particular, the supplement not supplant issues related teacher salaries and translation/interpretation, were some of the most common findings by Title III at USED.
Read MoreCommunity Eligibility Provision Election Date for Schools Extended
The opt-in deadline for the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) option for determining eligibility for the National School Lunch Program deadline has been extended. The original deadline of June 30th has been extended to August 31st.
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