As the academic year progresses, there's one season that every school and district anticipates with trepidation — the cold and flu season. It's a time when health takes center stage, and effective communication becomes critical. Districts turn to ParentNotices by TransACT to assist them in communicating with parents during this demanding season.
Health and Immunization Notifications Made Easy
Webinar: Increases in Federal Requirements for Parent and Family Engagement
Effective school-to-home communication plays a vital role when it comes to achieving successful student outcomes. However, staying in compliance with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requirements when communicating with parents and family members can prove challenging and the pandemic has only exasperated the difficulties as schools operated remotely.
TransACT’s Executive Director of Federal Programs and State Relationships is leading a webinar on the “Increases in Federal Requirements for Parent and Family Engagement” on August 25th, 2021, at 9:30 am PT / 10:30 am MT, 11:30 am CT, and 12:00 pm ET.
In this webinar, you will learn about significant changes to parent and family engagement under ESSA, including:
Enable ESSA Parent and Family Engagement Communication Compliance
Family engagement in children’s academic lives produces numerous benefits for the student and the school. A focus on parent engagement can spur profound changes in classrooms. Involved parents often yield more positive experiences for everyone in the school system. Schools excel when parents support learning and classroom rules at home.
Read MoreHow to Support Compliance With Federal Parent Communication Laws
The student populations of school districts have become increasingly diverse in recent years, and as a result, parent communications and engagement laws have also changed. In order to remain compliant, school districts must adhere to federal education law requirements such as those detailed in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and in Civil Rights case law.
Read More4 Benefits of Compliance Software for School Districts
In today’s progressively diverse districts, it is increasingly complicated for school systems to ensure compliance with the federal communication and language requirements for parent notices, school forms, campus-wide signs, and important school-to-home messaging. An education compliance solution such as TransACT Parent Notices provides school and district staff with instant access to compliant communications in priority languages to improve district communications, compliance, and parent and family engagement.
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