During the COVID-19 pandemic, disruption to routines is occurring as schools blend remote and in-classroom learning. Schools can't always efficiently conduct learning assessments online; students are often less engaged with online learning and teachers are caught between two worlds, switching teaching methods for those in the classroom and online.
Read MoreHow Federal Funding Can Help Schools with Parent and Family Engagement
Funding Options for Meeting ESSA School-to-Home Communication Requirements
Effective school-to-home communication plays a vital role when it comes to achieving successful student outcomes. However, staying in compliance with Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requirements when communicating with parents and family members can prove quite challenging for schools and districts, especially with the increases to Parent and Family Engagement requirements under ESSA.
Read MoreNew Languages Available for ESSA Parent Notices
To meet federal and civil rights requirements, school administrators must provide parent communications in a language parents can understand. Administrators are specifically required to meet these communication requirements for the top 5 languages in their district.
Read MoreDelivering Parent Communications in a Distance Learning Environment
The onset of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic caused school closures across the nation. The response for many districts is a move to an online or distance learning environment, but the elimination of face-to-face interaction between teachers and students is creating new challenges in parent communications and exacerbating gaps in equitable access for all students, especially those that do not have access to laptops and those that are English Learners.
Read MoreNoteworthy Sessions at the 2020 National ESEA Conference
TransACT’s Parent Notices team looks forward to the National ESEA Conference every year. It gives us the opportunity to meet with and learn more about our current customers as well as stay up to date on the topics that are at the forefront for educators working in ESEA (ESSA) programs across the country. We’ve poured over the schedule and wanted to provide you with some presentations that we think would be worth checking out at the National Association of ESEA State Program Administrator's Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, February 4-7, 2020.
Read MoreWebinar: Changes to Requirements for Students in Foster Care under ESSA
The reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) resulted in significant changes for requirements related to students in foster care in both the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act and Title I of the ESEA/ESSA.
Read MoreChanges to School Improvement Under ESSA
Webinar: Increases in Parent and Family Engagement Requirements
Webinar - Funding Your TransACT Parent Notice Collection
This year, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) took full-effect, including the addition of monitoring visits by the federal government. It is imperative, not only to satisfy the legal requirements of ESSA, but also to fulfill the spirit behind the legislation: improving student outcomes for all learners.
Your district can accomplish this by keeping the following items in mind:
Read MoreCollaboration between programs serving ELs experiencing homelessness
On May 29th at 9 am PT / 12 pm ET, Dr. David Holbrook, Executive Director, Federal Compliance of TransACT Communications, will be hosting a webinar examining the benefits of coordinating between ESSA Title I / Title III and McKinney-Vento programs when serving ELs who may be experiencing homelessness.
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