January 8, 2025 (Lynnwood, Wash.) – TransAct, a leader in operational and compliance software for the education sector, today announced the Accelerating Impact Grant for At-Risk Student Support, a groundbreaking initiative designed to assist school districts in addressing the needs of McKinney-Vento eligible and other at-risk student populations. Through this program, three selected school districts will receive a three-year grant, providing Student Support Tracker software and comprehensive support at no cost.
Read MoreK-12 Grant Helps Schools Support At-Risk Students
Initial New Insights from the 2024 Nationwide McKinney-Vento Study
We’re excited to present the latest insights from our second annual Nationwide McKinney-Vento Study. The inaugural survey was the first of its kind dedicated to identifying key information about how McKinney-Vento liaisons nationwide and how they serve students and families in need. The study report provided many insights, including how school districts nationwide lack fundamental tools such as student case management software.
Here are just a few initial insights from this year's study.
4 Reasons Why Districts Are Implementing Case-Management Systems
According to a recent nationwide survey conducted by TransACT Communications, school districts across the country are using more than 10 different means to track data for students identified as McKinney-Vento eligible. Of the 668 survey respondents, 63% reported tracking data in spreadsheets, and 20% reported tracking data on paper.
These responses illuminate a common problem for district staff who support at-risk students — there are typically multiple, disconnected places where critical information about the students they serve is being stored.
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