1. Streamlined Data Management: School districts use multiple means to store data for McKinney-Vento eligible students, including spreadsheets and paper. Embracing a case-management system provides seamless data organization, making life easier for your tech staff.
2. Unified Information: With data stored in multiple, disconnected places, centralized information on at-risk students is lacking. This fragmentation can lead to reduced student service levels and a lack of transparency for informed funding decisions. With a case-management system as your unified information hub, you can ensure that every student receives the support they need.
3. Beyond a SIS: SIS are indispensable, but they're limited in their capacity. They provide essential information, but for our at-risk students, we need more. A case-management system extends those capabilities, filling gaps by accommodating detailed case notes, service provider referrals, resource tracking, documentation, address updates, and participation records.
4. Elevated Support: When it comes to offering the best support to students, a case-management system is a game-changer. Staff can effortlessly access case notes, monitor resources, track interventions, and manage referrals. This level of detail is instrumental in securing McKinney-Vento grant funds and ensuring successful monitoring visits.
Watch this quick, 2-minute video to discover why Student SupportTracker is the most advanced case management system for districts and staff that support at-risk students. Interested in learning more? Check out all the features and benefits of Student SupportTracker.