Deliver support to students in need

Student SupportTracker

Student SupportTracker™ is the most advanced case management system uniquely designed for school districts and staff that support at-risk student populations.

Improve internal and external coordination through automated workflows, accelerate the delivery of student resources, and use real-time insights to support student success. 

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About Student SupportTracker

Simple Service Request Form

Accelerate service delivery to students in need through our Student SupportTracker request form, accessible to all district personnel, that enables them to easily identify eligible students and make referrals to the right service provider.

More Flexible Access Structure

Student SupportTracker makes it easy to securely share critical data and reports with partner organizations so that students can be better served and the impact of services better understood.

Single Sign-On for District Staff

All district staff can easily access Student SupportTracker via their current district system credentials to identify students and/or submit service requests for students who are in need of support services.

User-Friendly, Intuitive Design

Student SupportTracker's new, intuitive interface helps increase staff productivity by making it easier to access and leverage the product's built-in features, ultimately saving time that can instead be spent supporting students in need.

CEDS: Format for Student Data

Student SupportTracker's new data structure utilizes Common Education Data Standard (CEDS), a nationwide educational data standard. This integration enables seamless importing of SIS data and easy extraction of useful data from other district systems.

Built-in Workflows & Step-by-Step Guides

Increase the timeliness of service delivery to students in need through Student SupportTracker's notifications (internal messages and emails) that are triggered by changes in a student's enrollment, address, service requests, and more.

Easily Generate Data Reports

Reporting Tool

Monitor overall initiative outcomes and more effectively support students by easily generating your own custom reports and data visualizations using any of the data collected in Student SupportTracker. Reports can be scheduled to automatically generate or you can create a web-accessible dashboard that is updated in real-time.

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Track Data in Custom Fields

Flexible Categorization for Services, People, and Organizations

Student SupportTracker's custom fields enable your district to collect and report on data consistent with your initiative's design and goals.

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More visibility for on-the-go users

Mobile-Friendly Design

Student SupportTracker is designed to work anywhere you are as you're supporting students in need. With 100% phone and tablet compatibility, users in the field can access student records, make notes, and submit requests, ensuring more timely delivery of critical services.

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Sync with Your District's SIS

Access the Latest Student Information Automatically

Student SupportTracker connects with your district’s student information system (SIS) to give you a single point of access to up-to-date student information.

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Student Stakeholder Case Notes

View Notes Based on Security Roles

Take case notes and view other's notes based on set security roles. 

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tell your program's story with data

Dashboards, Reports, & More

Create dashboards that are updated with real-time information about how students are being served. 

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Speak to a Specialist About Student SupportTracker

What Is the Difference Between a Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) and Student SupportTracker?

The Definition of a Homeless Adult Versus Youth

The definition of homeless as a student in school and as an adult has one major difference that increases the amount of youth who can receive services. The distinction is defined by The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, a federal law designed to determine the requirements for students experiencing homelessness and how the Department of Housing and Urban Development defines homelessness. 

Both definitions have the same basic understanding. They define homeless as “lacking a primary or fixed residence.” 12 The major difference is that the McKinney-Vento Act adds that sharing housing with others meets the definition of “homeless” for youth. Often referred to as being "doubled up", this means that even if a student sleeps at a family member's or a friend's house, they meet the definition because a direct or immediate family member is not housing them. 

About the Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS)

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) created a system to track data for adults experiencing homelessness. This data tracking system, called Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS), is used nationwide and is required for many service providers to receive federal funding. HUD, the federal partners, and other planners and policymakers use aggregate HMIS data to better inform homeless policy and decision-making at the federal, state, and local levels.  

HMIS data includes:   

- Client-level information 
- Characteristics of homeless people 
- Service needs of homeless people 
- Housing and services provided to homeless people

McKinney-Vento Data Tracking

As seen in our nationwide survey, there is not a defined data tracking system that captures information for McKinney-Vento eligible students experiencing homelessness. In fact, the requirements for federal reporting for students experiencing homelessness are far less rigorous than for adults.

School districts are required to report: 

- Total number of students eligible for McKinney-Vento 
- Their primary nighttime residence 
- Barriers to education  
- Unaccompanied youth 

Each state has a different system or method of collecting this data and storing it in a database for federal reporting. What isn’t required to be tracked in software or reported to state education agencies are key data points such as: 

- Services needed by students 
- Services provided to McKinney-Vento students 
- Academic outcomes  
- Attendance rates

How Can Student SupportTracker Help?

Virtually all school district personnel use their district’s SIS to access a subset of information about the students they serve.

Common types of data stored in a SIS include: 

- An at-risk designation. For example: Is this student McKinney-Vento eligible – Yes/No. 
- Contact information provided during registration
- Academic information 
- The address provided during registration 
- Demographic information 

This information serves a fundamental purpose for students. However, it misses the mark in terms of adequately capturing the data needed to support the unique needs of students such as those who are McKinney-Vento eligible. 

As most staff members who work with McKinney-Vento students know, there is significantly more information that needs to be stored for each student to ensure they are being effectively supported. This information includes: 

- Case notes  
- Referrals to internal or external wrap-around service providers 
- Resources provided to students 
- Documentation  
- Current address information 
- Participation in activities provided to at-risk students  

The reality is that an SIS can’t accommodate storage of this kind of information because they’re simply not designed to store data related to student case management. This means that other methods must be used.  

Student SupportTracker is an all-new, secure online case-management solution designed to help school districts and staff more efficiently support McKinney-Vento and other at-risk student populations. 

Mckinney-Vento Survey Infographic (horizontal version)-1


The Benefits of Using a Case-Management System

1. Streamlined Data Management: School districts use multiple means to store data for McKinney-Vento eligible students, including spreadsheets and paper. Embracing a case-management system provides seamless data organization, making life easier for your tech staff.  

2. Unified Information: With data stored in multiple, disconnected places, centralized information on at-risk students is lacking. This fragmentation can lead to reduced student service levels and a lack of transparency for informed funding decisions. With a case-management system as your unified information hub, you can ensure that every student receives the support they need.  

3. Beyond a SIS: SIS are indispensable, but they're limited in their capacity. They provide essential information, but for our at-risk students, we need more. A case-management system extends those capabilities, filling gaps by accommodating detailed case notes, service provider referrals, resource tracking, documentation, address updates, and participation records. 

4. Elevated Support: When it comes to offering the best support to students, a case-management system is a game-changer. Staff can effortlessly access case notes, monitor resources, track interventions, and manage referrals. This level of detail is instrumental in securing McKinney-Vento grant funds and ensuring successful monitoring visits. 

Watch this quick, 2-minute video to discover why Student SupportTracker is the most advanced case management system for districts and staff that support at-risk students. Interested in learning more? Check out all the features and benefits of Student SupportTracker

Is the Number of Students Identified as Homeless Increasing?

One of the key findings from last year’s Nationwide McKinney-Vento Study was the notable increase in students identified as McKinney-Vento eligible, marking a first since the COVID-19 pandemic. Nearly two-thirds of respondents observed a year-over-year rise in these numbers, which aligns with data reported to states and the Federal Government.

This year, the trend continued, with the majority of liaisons reporting an increase in McKinney-Vento eligible students, though the rise was less pronounced than last year. Overall, 51 percent of respondents indicated an increase in identified students.


We serve families efficiently and conveniently. Student SupportTracker [formerly HIMSS] works great for the individual or the group serving the students. Being able to remotely check notes at all levels is so much easier than other systems that require onsite access. We are able to successfully serve the number of families needing our program.

I would love to see lots of people in our state use this. Student SupportTracker [formerly HIMSS] provides an automatic email communication for approvals directing the process flow so much easier than before. It is greener and more efficient than the paper and print delivery process we had in place before. Plus, TransACT customer support and follow-up is top drawer.

Our district goes to great lengths to protect stakeholder information. Your company did an amazing job working with our district to ensure all of our securities protocols were met. Thank you for going the extra mile.

I called in my technical issue and received a response almost as quickly as I hung up the phone. Customer service is SUPERIOR.

I was very pleased with Student SupportTracker [formerly HIMSS] because it allows me to track my data said at a state and district level. The hope is to reduce and enhance the parent education to make them more work-ready.

Featured Resource

Revealing the Realities: Empowering Insights from the McKinney-Vento Liaison Survey

Watch our on-demand webinar with Phillip Smith, Brand Manager for Student SupportTracker, and Jennifer London, Marketing Director with TransACT, as they share key findings from the 2023 nationwide survey of McKinney-Vento liaisons.

Empowering insights from Mckinney Vento Liaison Survey