Student SupportTracker (SST) improves communication with district homeless liaisons to support at-risk student groups.
Student SupportTracker is a data management system created for homeless program administrators and designed to help meet annual McKinney-Vento reporting requirements. A partnership with the Global Grid for Learning (GG4L) allows SST to connect with a district Student Information System (SIS) and import student information.
Identifying At-Risk Students
When a flagged student within Student SupportTracker that's eligible for support starts attending school in a different district, staff are informed immediately with an email and a message in the SST system. Both notifications alert the liaison to update the student’s status in their district’s SIS.
- Student data automatically pulls into SST through an automatic nightly process
- Once identified, the SST software can track the assistance students experiencing homelessness, students in foster care, and their families receive in and out of school
- No student names are listed, just the state identifier associated with that student
- The alert appears in the messages section of SST
Student SupportTracker helps schools’ homeless liaisons and community service providers stay connected by providing:
- Automated emails to service partners for health service providers or social workers when students' homeless status or foster care status is confirmed
- Optional logins so service partners can access the system remotely
- Track enrollment and service history even if a student transfers to a different school or district
Take a look at this webinar that highlights how our software helps school districts better serve their most vulnerable students.
Contact a team member to learn more about these feature improvements. Or schedule a demo to learn more about Student SupportTracker!